Let’s talk money!
Join Darling Doubles as we welcome Ken Perrin of the Financial Foundation Group as our guest speaker on Monday, October 6, 2014, 7pm, at Northglenn Christian Church.
Ken is the Senior Partner and Owner of Financial Foundation Group. Ken founded the company in July of 2002 and has a total of 16 ½ years experience in the financial services industry. Ken came from pretty humble beginnings growing up in central Ohio with a one acre garden that needed constant attention in the spring and summer and a wood burning furnace that had to be burning at all times as it heated his entire house in the cold Midwest winters. Ken was no stranger to hard work! Ken learned from his parents to save money whenever and wherever possible. Although his parents never made a six digit income, through their hard work and savings pattern, they were able to retire at age 62, move out West, and have well over seven figures accumulated. The way his parents saved, how they let their money grow and compound over time, and the amount of assets they accumulated has inspired Ken which is why he loves the financial services industry so much. He knows first-hand what a good saving pattern, in other words a solid financial plan, can do for someone. Ken is committed to teaching these lessons as well as his individual financial education and experiences to others as he wants to see others benefit from his financial knowledge.
Ken focuses on a wide array of financial topics with his clients, such as helping clients prioritize their financial goals and objectives, retirement, tax managed investments, and income planning. However on October 6th, Ken is going to be focusing his discussion with the Darling Doubles on family planning. This will include college planning and investment options as well as the importance of life insurance for a family with children. Ken will be discussing the different types of life insurance and when each may be appropriate for your family. Ken, of course, will also be available to answer any questions when he is done speaking. It should be a very educational night; Ken looks forward to talking to us on October 6th!
*New Member chat starts at 6pm.
**Husbands are welcome to attend the meeting as well! Contact Kristie Albritten to reserve a spot for childcare – kristie@darlingdoubles.org
***Crocs are responsible for snacks.