The Holiday Season will be upon us soon! No wait. Scratch that. The Holiday Season is HERE! YIKES ? We sincerely hope that you will all be able to take some time to join your fellow Darling Double’s moms for a little celebration. Join us December 5th at 6pm at the Cross of Christ Lutheran Church for a Kwanzaa themed celebration. Kwanzaa is a colorful celebration of seven basic values which contribute to building and reinforcing family, community, and culture. Does that sound a little bit like Darling Doubles?

I spent several years living and working in West Africa and the expression of family as embraced by communities in this culture is that ALL women of your mother’s age are you ‘mothers’. My home village was truly a place in which the entire village participated in raising the children – myself amongst the children would be scolded for returning home later than expected (and heaven forbid after dark!) or for being out in the rain, or for not taking breakfast, or for not being married…. Here in Colorado Darling Doubles is my village and I derive strength and support from my fellow moms and I want to celebrate our family, our community and our unique culture as a tribe of women with multiples.  

We’ll provide a festive environment and dinner. We’ll also be hosting a gift exchange. If you would like to participate please bring a wrapped gift valuing approximately $15, please no gift cards. The gift should be something that whoever ends up with your gift will appreciate (something classy and useful, aka nothing tacky please). Please RSVP so we can plan appropriately for food. Also there will be no new member chat at this meeting.kwanzaa-usa