November Meeting: Community Give Back Event
Lindsey Leuenberger-Klautsch
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” -Gandhi
Darling Doubles would like to invite you to participate in our annual November give back meeting on November 7, 2016 at 7pm. This meeting will take place at A Precious Child (555 Burbank Street, Unit M Broomfield, CO 80020). As an organization, we will be making the Precious Gift Tags to hang on the various Christmas trees around the Denver Metro area.
A Precious Child is devoted to making a positive impact in the lives of disadvantaged and displaced children and families in Colorado by improving their quality of life. During the holiday’s, A Precious Child collects the top three wishes of children in need and they partner with various organizations and individuals to fulfill each child’s holiday wish! Last year alone, A Precious Child handed out over 10,000 gifts to children and families in need.
In addition to making the gift tags, we will also be collecting coats and winter clothing of all sizes. A Precious Child is in desperate need of coats (both children and adult sizes) as we head into the winter months. Please consider going through your coat closets and donate what you will not use to A Precious Child. After all, 1 in 6 families in Colorado are living below the Federal poverty line.
**Due to the location of this meeting, childcare will not be available.**