Monday, September 9, 2013


When parents are given a chance to ask questions about parenting, their questions end up in one of two categories:  “What can we do when things go wrong?”, or “How do we help things to go right?”
If you are looking for simple solutions for both of these questions, September’s Darling Doubles meeting might be right for you.
Using research from Vanderbilt University as well as lessons learned from looking at ancient pyramids (it’s true, you can learn a lot from looking at a pyramid) you’ll learn:
*Why your children act the way they do…and some strategies to start to alter their behavior
*Short and long term strategies to address difficult behavior in your children
*What three steps you can use as parents to change the course of your interaction with your children, regardless of the situation
Presented by Dave Garrison, High Performance Parent Coach.
Brief Bio:  Dave Garrison has spent nearly twenty years as a mental health therapist working with a multitude of individuals to overcome their set backs and self-imposed limitations. Dave is naturally curious about people and as a High Performance Parent Coach, he helps parents who are facing real challenges by creating specific strategies and insights that parents can apply and start to experience remarkable results in their parenting in a short period of time. At the end of the day being “Dad” to four awesome kids is his greatest challenge and reward in life.

The Crocs s2011 mall group is responsible for snacks at the September meeting.

*New Members Chat (for new moms, expectant moms and all other interested members) starts at 6:00pm.

Our meeting is at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church located at:  12099 Lowell Blvd., Broomfield, CO.

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