Simplify Your Life!
Monday, June 4, 2012
7:00 pm
For our June meeting we will be learning from Julie Gutman, Founder of “Simplify Me”
Simplify Me is about just that, simplifying your life! Clutter and disorganization causes stress, but organizing takes time and it’s impossible to stay on top of everything. That’s were we come in!
Julie Gutman, the founder and owner of Simplify Me, LLC, has a plaque in her home that reads “Simplify”, and each time life gets stressful she looks at that and remembers that if her surroundings are organized she can focus on the important things in her life. She realized, at an early age that the way to de-stress is to de-clutter. This led her to think that if organizing helps relieve stress in her own life, that it can do the same for others…and Simplify Me was born!
Julie has eleven years of experience organizing programs for various nonprofit organizations. Using her innate organizing skills, she has built programs from the ground up making each one successful. Every job she has held has required different skills, but all have utilized her exceptional organizing abilities. Through her experience, she has learned that sometimes we just need to look at things from a different angle to learn what works best for us.
Julie loves working with people to help them feel a sense of accomplishment when their spaces, and by extension, their lives are finally streamlined and simplified. She knows that clutter can creep up on us slowly, but often causes a great deal of stress and certainly consumes valuable time and energy.
The Slippers 2007 small group is responsible for snacks for the June meeting.