Does keeping your kids busy take up all your time? Would you like to learn some fun new ways to keep your kids occupied and learning and having fun? Join us May 1st for Sherri MacLean’s presentation.
Sherri will be sharing some ways to help keep your children
independently busy and learning on their own, while also preparing them for Kindergarten and older. She is a home-school mother of 4 children and started writing books to help her own children learn and develop independent skills. She will also have with her some examples of hands-on activities that you can make at home for your children.
She has written 20+ books to help families at home with kids of all
ages. Most of them will be on display at the meeting and at the end of her presentation, she will hold a drawing so one lucky mom can win a book of her choice to take home that day. You can check out her website at:
Monday May 1st, 2017 at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church (12099 Lowell Blvd, Broomfield, CO 80020) from 7-9pm. New member chat is at 6 pm.