Bumpers on crib rails and catchers on sippy cups,
Chewy chilled teethers and soft soled sneakers,
Video monitors set up on spy mode
These are a few of my favorite things…..
So mommas what are your favorite things? We’ll have a show and tell style meeting to showcase all of our favorite things: one for surviving your children’s current stage and one for you!
One of my favorite things is tea with friends, sharing my hopes and dreams, and tricks for surviving over a warm mug so we’ll have pots of hot water. Bring a mug and a favorite tea to share.
We’ll also have a presentation by our KSS Board Members. To help as all get ready to tag and sale, volunteer and shop! Seeing everyone’s favorite things will help round out your list of things you might not even know you’ll need yet!
Join us at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church on Monday Feb 6th from 7-9pm. There will be a new member chat at 6pm.