“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings.  These are a few of my favorite things.” (The Sound of Music)

tea time 

Pacifiers and double strollers and light-up tot clocks,
Travel potties and nursing pillows and bins for blocks,
Wrinkle creams and lip-gloss and diaper bags with bling,
These are a few of Darling Doubles favorite things!

Join Darling Doubles on Monday, April 6, 7pm, at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, for a fun night of sharing about our favorite things! Have you found the best diaper cream out there?  Tell us about it!  Have you found an amazing make-up product that makes you look awesome even without sleep?  Please share!  Come prepared to share one item that you can’t live without for the stage your twins are in AND one item that you love for yourself.  Let the rest of us in on your “must have” items! Whether it’s a stroller, nursing bra, toy, app, mascara, hair product, bring it (or a picture of it) and come enjoy a relaxing night with yummy snacks!  Don’t forget something to take notes with–you won’t want to forget all these great items that your fellow twin mama’s share!

* The board is responsible for yummy snacks and clean-up!
** Contact Kristie for childcare Kristie@darlingdoubles.org
*** New member chat starts at 6pm, anyone is welcome!