Putting the Pieces Together
Monday, January 4, 2010, **TIME CHANGE** 6:15 pm
Congratulations Darling Doubles members! We defended our title at the Race for Fetal Hope as the twins club with the most club members in attendance! We will be getting a free dinner at our January meeting so please join us for an early start at 6:15 pm.
Then we have a fantastic speaker—Jami Kirkbride. Jami’s presentation will be packed full of colorful examples, practical tools, and a relatable style, that will spur any listener toward growth and change. Whether struggling with workplace relations, personal acceptance, parenting, marriage, or other relationship issues, you will walk away from her presentation with a renewed sense of hope, clarity, and the desire to make the most of every opportunity. Jami’s experience and training can help you to:
• Gain a fresh and healthy perspective on individual differences
• Develop communication that is positive and purposeful
• Build relationships that are fulfilling and life-changing
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church is located at 12099 Lowell Blvd., Broomfield. New Members Chat (for new moms, expectant moms and all other interested members) starts at 6 pm (look for the signed table). Club business starts at 7 pm. We will also have our usual after-meeting gathering at C. B. & Potts on 120th between Mariposa and Huron. See you there!