Please bring your family and join us for the Holiday Party!
Saturday, December 20th, 11:00 am—-1:00 pm
St. Mark’s Catholic Church, Westminster
Santa will be making his usual appearance, and this year he’ll be bringing gifts to ALL the girls and boys. But he needs your help! Please bring a small, wrapped gift for each child to the party (be sure to have a first and last name on the tag!) Since Santa can only carry so much in his pack, please limit the size of each gift to no larger than an adult’s hand. And because Santa is fair to all children, please be sure each gift is valued at $5 or less.
Santa gave us a list of ideas to get you started:
• Flashlight
• Spinning toothbrush
• Holiday socks
• Hair accessories
• Sunglasses
• Character fork/spoon set
We’ll have a special container set aside at the party where you can
discreetly place the gifts before Santa makes his big entrance!