November Club Meeting: “Tie it Up” and Vendor Night!
Monday, November 10th, 2008 – 7 p.m.
Join us at 7 pm at the regular meeting location, Cross of Christ Church, for our monthly meeting. Please note that we are meeting the 2nd Monday of November due to the election. This month, we will be crafting and shopping! We are making 44 no-sew tie fleece blankets. We will be donating them as a Christmas gift to the children who live at Mount Saint Vincent Home. Please bring a pair of sharp scissors and a metal retractable tape measure. Here is a quick tutorial.
In addition to crafting, we will be hosting our annual vendor night. Feel free to get a jump on your Christmas shopping! We will also have our usual after-meeting gathering at C. B. & Potts on 120th between Mariposa and Huron. See you there! Cross of Christ Lutheran Church is located at 12099 Lowell Blvd. in Broomfield. New Members Chat (for new moms, expectant moms and all other interested members) starts at 6 pm. Club business starts at 7 pm.